The squid is one of the class of invertebrate animals ( invertebrates ) .
One type of deep-sea squid , Heteroteuthis , is who has the ability to emit light cahaya.Organ who issued it lies at the end of a long panhandle that stands out in front . This is because the events that occurred on the luminescence of squid species ini.Heteroteuthis squirt large amounts of liquids glowing when he was disturbed , the process is the same as in any ordinary squid squirts ink .
All the squid has a tubular body , the head is fully developed , and 10 hand vacuum bermangkuk long . Hands is useful to ensnare prey then shredded using a strong jaw , similar to the half - squid binatang.Cumi suck water through the central cavity of the body , the mantle cavity , and forced out through a flexible tube called a siphon . Chiffon located directly behind tangan.Oleh because the water jets propel the squid swim backwards .
Fin squid is 2 coats like lobe expansion is used as steering movements .
Her eyes do not have eyelids , but it looks like the human eye .
The squid has three hearts and blue blood . Two of them are located close to the heart of each gill , and because they can pump oxygen to the rest of the body with ease . The squid has a respiratory system basic copper compounds , in contrast to humans where humans have basic respiratory system iron compounds , which result when too closed on the surface where there is hot water , the squid can easily die due to suffocation .
Many squid that can change the body color from brown to purple , red , or yellow as camouflage avoid the threat of predators .
Squid live as predators of fish and other marine animals that are smaller than the size of squid .
Thursday, September 26, 2013

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